A downloadable tool for Windows and Linux

Add sounds from your collection and randomize them, combining them to create new sounds quickly for game projects and jams.

Inspired by the sfxr sound generators, generate new sounds with 1 button quickly and without thinking much, it may not be perfect but it can be good enough.



Add you sound files, press the Generate button (or R) to randomize, hear the result, save it (Ctrl+S), 

Didn't like the result? 

Play with all the different settings combinations and try again.

Or use keywords from your filenames and folders to create something more specific and less chaotic.


Similar to the sfxr generators, press a button (recommended shortcuts. Keys 1 to 7), and create short retro sounds, you can layer many of them to create more robust sounding ones and small jingles, apply reverb if the retro vibe isn't for you.

Voice Toy

Add a sound, play to your hearts content or record your "live performance" after rehearsing, intended to create "animal/voice" sounds but no hard rules on how or what to use it for. R to randomize.

Area (Proximity) Toy

Add up to 4 sounds, play and create transitions, variations and/or scenarios, play with the different settings available. R to randomize.

Open with Audacity/Tenacity

Randomize sounds and continue your work in Tenacity/Audacity and it's wide array of tools.

Take the output of one tool to another without saving it by dragging it into the tray (press Tab), and drag them out into the drop zones in each workspace.

Mouse hover other elements to get help or by pressing F1.


* Exporting/Saving sounds may require OS permissions to access the Microphone, as it exports the sounds capturing the Stereo Mix input (what you hear).

* If a Microphone is connected, the generated sound output quality may result degraded as a result of the microphone audio capture being active while doing the mixing, it is recommended to disconnect microphones while using this program, and capturing any funny noises you want to randomize with other software and then adding them as .wav files here.

* Works best with short .wav sounds with format ( WAV 16-bit, 44 kHz, mono) .

* Don't use very long and heavy .wav files and other bit depths, slicing into smaller files might be needed.

* Sound in .ogg and .mp3 format work but don't display waveforms, otherwise they should work.


Windows version (Something is wack, I will try to fix the issue) I apologize to everyone who tried it and where meet with a crash upon opening. Windows version should work now.

Add Recursive/subfolder navigation when adding sounds to library (currently only the selected folder is added).

Expand to a true tag system (currently only matches words in filename).

Add Tag Manager.

Randomizer Tool:

- Allow the rest of audio effects possible by Godot to be randomized.

- Allow pitch to be modified per track or kept (currently only random or off).

- Allow Fade In/Out to be randomized properties.

- Improve global/per track tag randomization usage

gdfxr Tool:

- Improve general usability (currently relies on pressing Keys 1 to 7 for the intended experience).

- Shortcuts to Allow mixing Sound categories (i.e. Jump+Explosion+Shoot) in a single generation (currently needs to scroll and click each gdfxr instance).

- Jingles.

Add Nodes Tool.

Add Grid Tool.

Area Toy:

- Allow Area Toy to use an arbitrary number/position of Areas.

Expand and allow more settings to saved and kept.

Improve sound transfer between tools/sound tray usage.

Made with Godot 3.6


GoodEnoughSFXGenerator_1.1Linux.x86_64.zip 15 MB
GoodEnoughSFXGenerator_1.1Win.zip 14 MB

Install instructions

For Linux, extract the file into your desired folder, you might need to set the file permissions as executable.

For Windows, extract the files to your desired location.

If your exported files are silent, enabling Stereo Mix and Microphone access might be needed, enable them the Control Panel.

Add your sounds via the Add Folder button, or drag and drop a folder with sound files, it might take some time depending on how many sounds there are.

Have fun.

Development log

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