A downloadable project

This project was not completed on time for submission :( not surprising, but fun was had.

The objective was to attend client requests for a non-specific quantity of bananas (ex. a truckload worth of, a planet sized worth of), and you would have to make two-step indirect comparisons with your scales and other available tools (so you couldn't compare the truckload to bananas, but compare the truckload to stones, and stones vs bananas, each client would get more exigent with the margin of error) to match weight, length,and or volume of said request within a generous margin of error as you serve them with an heavy influx of bananas.

Then acquire more tools (scissors, calipers,hammers) that would allow you to modify the value of your  bananas and other banana materials for the increasing scale of ridiculous requests (stone banana = x2 weight, glass banana = 1/10th weight).

To fit the theme of this year game jam (Built to scale) the scaling aspect of the ever increasing requests (from a normal box sized to a miniature/massive galaxy sitting on the scale ) and a play on the "Banana for scale meme", where things are compared to the size of a banana as a reference measure, while loosely building the thing with bananas on the x,y,z (length,area/weight,volume) aspect of scaling things up and down.

TLDR Technically balatro but selling bananas, couldn't complete on time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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